The Countryside Alliance awards ceremony was held yesterday a the House of Lords. These prestigious awards recognise the contribution rural businesses and organisations make to the rural community and economy. Clinks Care Farm had been nominated for the Rural Enterprise Award and was up against 5 other rural businesses from across the country.

Doeke Dobma and Iris van Zon, Directors at Clinks Care Farm , were delighted to receive the award. Doeke Dobma said:

“We are so excited to receive this award and to have the recognition on a national level for the work we do. We would like to thank the people that nominated us, voted for us and everyone that has supported us through the years.”

Countryside Alliance Chief Executive Tim Bonner said of Clinks Care Farm:

“Our Champion has been a trailblazer in their industry and is delivering a unique rural solution to those suffering mental health issues. They started out as the only business of this type in the UK, which has since worked with over 200 patients and supported local councils in the region to create similar enterprises.”

“In addition to providing therapeutic activities to those suffering from mental illness, this rural enterprise grows fresh produce which is sold in their own shop, at farmers markets and delivered locally. The practical education and training they provide to local people is invaluable in supporting them to start employment opportunities that would not have otherwise been possible. Their commitment to help the most disadvantaged members of their community should be commended and it is clear that local people have responded positively through the many ways they support this business.”

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