All about Farm Therapy

This is ideal for people with mild to moderate mental health issues such as stress, anxiety and depression to use the farm as a therapeutic space. You will participate in outdoor activities on the farm in small groups.

The social side is as important as the work on the farm. So whilst being busy gardening or feeding animals, there will be lots of opportunities to interact with each other and laugh and have fun. People that have taken part in our Farming on Prescription programme (Farm Therapy’s predecessor) have reported improvements in sleep, appetite, mood and have often returned to employment or other activities. Research has also shown that Green Therapies are extremely effective in improving symptoms of stress and mental ill health.

The natural outdoor space, our animals and the garden, as well as working in a small team, supported by our staff and volunteers, helps you to build up confidence and self-esteem, at your own pace. You will have a real sense of achievement through activities such as animal care, working in our market garden, driving a tractor or building a fence. We will help you set small goals that will help you work towards recovery.

The cost of Farm Therapy

  • 1 Session – £50

  • 6 Sessions – £250 (get 6 sessions for the price of 5)

One session lasts 1 day from 9:30am till 4:00pm. We have found that attending a number of sessions in succession will increase the positive effect on your mental and physical health, to enable you to get yourself into a position where you are able to face some of the challenges of life again.

If you would like to do farm therapy and cost is an issue, or you want to discuss coming to Clinks Care Farm before booking, please ring 01502 679134 and ask for Iris. We welcome arranged visits to the farm to see if this is something you would like to try.

How do I get involved?

You can self-refer or ask a GP or other health professional to refer. Please download the form below and email to or send it in the post to Iris van Zon, Clinks Care Farm, Church Road, Toft Monks, Beccles, Suffolk NR34 OET. Once we receive your referral form we will be in touch to arrange a visit to the farm and hopefully get you benefiting from the ‘great outdoors’.

Farm Therapy is a programme specifically designed for people with mild to moderate mental health issues who do not have access to the help from Mental Health Services (Norfolk & Suffolk Foundation Trust). However, Clinks Care farm can provide placements for people with learning difficulties or severe and enduring mental health issues and the environment is an ideal therapeutic space to help with people’s recovery. See our Placements page for information and a referral form.

Download Referral Form
Submit Referral Form Online

Other Placement Options

You can help support the work we do…

We are a non-profit social enterprise that aims to provide the best in education and care in a working farm environment.
If you wish to help support us then please consider donating or becoming a Friend of Clinks Care Farm.

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